There are few facets of modern life that are untouched by technology. Innovations in the industry have changed the way we communicate, the way we work, the way we conduct commerce, and the way we address global issues like human trafficking and modern slavery. Modern …
Global Tech Companies, Partners Identify Tools to Fight Human Trafficking
In June 2018, a coalition of global tech companies, civil society organizations, and international institutions jointly launched Tech Against Trafficking, a collaborative effort to support the eradication of human trafficking. By tapping into their technical expertise, capacity for innovation, and global reach, the company members of …
Announcing a New Collaboration Using Tech to Combat Human Trafficking
A growing number of organizations and initiatives are working to tackle forced labor and human trafficking, which affects 40 million or more people around the globe. Given the widespread nature of this crime and the complexity of tackling it—further described in the 2018 U.S. State Department’s Trafficking in …
A Map to Help Business Collaborate with Anti-Slavery Organizations
The 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that “no one should be held in slavery or servitude” and “slavery in all its forms should be eliminated.” Yet unfortunately modern slavery—most clearly embodied in forced labor and sex trafficking—remains both widespread and difficult to combat …