Tech Against Trafficking Concludes the Second Accelerator

Originally published by BSR on May 12, 2022. Last week, Tech Against Trafficking (TAT) brought together technologists, nonprofits, academics, governments, and policy-makers from 60 countries in a virtual event to celebrate the close of its second Accelerator and discuss how tech advancements can be used to combat …

Tech Against Trafficking Launches Second Accelerator Program

Originally published by BSR on June 30, 2021. Last week, Tech Against Trafficking launched its second Accelerator program, welcoming Seattle Against Slavery and Unseen UK into the community. Both organizations have shown exceptional innovation and potential in their deployment of technology solutions, and this investment …

Microsoft Case Study on Tech Against Trafficking

Originally published by Microsoft on May 20, 2021. Human trafficking is a crime against humanity and a violation of the most fundamental human rights. No attempt to build a more resilient society can ignore the systemic issues that allow trafficking to take hold, since the …

Webinar: Digital Tools to Boost Collaboration and Productivity

Tech Against Trafficking and BT will be hosting an online event to help you unlock the potential of your organization through the use of digital tools. The event will feature a Skills for Tomorrow workshop by BT. Date and TimeThursday, October 8, 202015:00 – 16:00 p.m. UK | …