Originally published by Microsoft on May 20, 2021. Human trafficking is a crime against humanity and a violation of the most fundamental human rights. No attempt to build a more resilient society can ignore the systemic issues that allow trafficking to take hold, since the …
Webinar: Digital Tools to Boost Collaboration and Productivity
Tech Against Trafficking and BT will be hosting an online event to help you unlock the potential of your organization through the use of digital tools. The event will feature a Skills for Tomorrow workshop by BT. Date and TimeThursday, October 8, 202015:00 – 16:00 p.m. UK | …
The Dual Law of Technology in Trafficking
Written and published by Thi Hoang of the Global Initiative Against Transnational Organized Crime. American historian Melvin Kranzberg once said, ‘Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral.’ The reality is that technical innovations often have ecological, social, political and economic consequences that …
OSCE, in partnership with Tech Against Trafficking, publishes paper on leveraging technology to fight trafficking
Tech Against Trafficking is very excited to announce the publication of Leveraging innovation to fight trafficking in human beings: A comprehensive analysis of technology tools. The paper can be downloaded here. This is the first known publication to conduct a global analysis of how different …